Leadership Mastermind Groups

Nonprofit Executive Mastermind

A Mastermind is a structured process guided by a trained facilitator, allowing leaders to tackle challenges and benefit from the coaching, ideas, perspectives, advice, and wisdom of peers all focused on each member’s particular challenges.

We provide a confidential peer group to provide a sounding board for business challenges that arise; many of which are unique to the nonprofit sector. The perspectives and ideas from a diverse set of nonprofit executives like you will strengthen your problem-solving ability pertaining to your ongoing business challenges. Learn more and view our current Nonprofit Executive Mastermind group details. 

Coming Soon: Nonprofit Manager Mastermind

Launching in April 2024, our next mastermind group will be tailored exclusively to the needs of nonprofit managers. Join the interest list for the Nonprofit Manager Mastermind to be notified when this group is forming.

High Potential Leader Development

Emerging Leaders Program

An Emerging Leaders program is ideal for developing high potential leaders as part of an organizational talent management strategy to support succession planning, talent reviews, and organizational changes. Get in touch to customize a program for your organization.

How you benefit:

  • Accelerate development of high potential individuals
  • Customize design, launch, facilitation, and evaluation
  • Increase visibility with senior leadership for assessing high potential status
  • Foster greater engagement, relationships, and networks
  • Increase retention of next generation of organizational leaders
  • Strengthen key relationships and improve influence skills
  • Enhance executive presence and communication
  • Enrich organizational decision-making

Group Coaching

We also offer ongoing group coaching options like our Leader Fitness Membership. Contact us to have your leaders join a group with leaders from other organizations, or to set up a coaching cohort tailored specifically for your organization.

Looking for more opportunities to improve employee engagement, talent mobility, and retention? Learn more about our self-paced learning and group coaching programs, combining online learning and small group career management coaching.

Get In Touch

Ready to support your high potential leaders with a customized development program?