Support your organization or engage your audience with an expert speaker.

Our experts deliver custom keynote speeches on talent management and workplace topics. Bring us into your organization to serve up some stimulating conversation and learning. We facilitate seminars, webinars, all-hands meetings, conferences, and lunch-n-learns.

Are You Sabotaging Your Employees’ Career Success?
Mike Gellman at DisruptHR


Topics For Leaders

  • Are Your High Potentials Developing Fast Enough?
  • Creating a Coaching Culture: Strategies used by Exemplary Organizations
  • Are you Sabotaging Your Employees’ Career Success?


Topics For Employees

  •  Your Personal Brand @Work: Leveraging the Power of Relationships & Influence to Accelerate Your Career Success
  • Career Fitness: Identifying Your Best Fit in the Workplace
  • Remodeling Your Career: Navigating Fear & Resistance to Change
  • Are you Sabotaging Your Child’s Career Success?

Upcoming Talks

Navigating Succession Planning Webinar | Tuesday May 21st | North County Philanthropy Council

In the nonprofit world, safeguarding organizational knowledge is vital. Learn practical strategies to ensure smooth transitions and uninterrupted service to your community. Don’t miss out on valuable insights to shape your nonprofit’s success and earn 1.0 CFRE credit.

DATE: Tuesday May 21st
TIME: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Register Today!

Recent Appearances

Check out Mike Gellman on the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast with host May Harris. Listen on the platform of your choice:
Nonprofit Counsel Podcast – Spotify
Non Profit Counsel Podcast – Apple

Check out Mike Gellman on the Nonprofit MBA Podcast with Stephen Halasnik. Read more about this podcast episode in the press release.

Contact us today to book a future appearance or speaking engagement.

    Recent Appearances


    “Mike is an energetic, professional, and informative presenter. He engages with the audience with an infectious authenticity. His work in career development is inspiring and practical.”

    – Judy Issokson

    “You were able to challenge the audience to look inside in a not-too-threatening way; and provided added value through the exercises. Great stuff.”

    – Dave L.

    “We had such good feedback on your presentation. People definitely left last night with their job search spirits uplifted. Your examples and stories of roadblocks we create in our job search and career goals were excellent messages but done with humor and grace. It was a pleasure for us to have you run our workshop.

    – Kate Brehmer

    “It was refreshing to know that Mike was (and is) an expert in the field of coaching and development and was passionate about sharing his knowledge and expertise.”

    – DeMiko J.

    “Mike did an amazing job of putting together a presentation for the team, and showed them what was possible in identifying how their transferable talents could be put to use in their next career transition.”

    – Paul M. Gendron

    Previous Talks

    Crucial Conversations Training Workshop | August 11, 2022 | OneOC

    What’s Up With Company Politics? A Dip into Dicey Dynamics at Work |  Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 10 am PDT | Webinar Link | CalWorkSafety & HR 

    Crucial Conversations Training: Two Day Workshop | Tuesday December 9th -10th, 2021 at 9am PDT | OneOC

    “Building Strong Teams: How to Prevent and Resolve the 5 Most Common Dysfunctions” Webinar | Tuesday August 11, 2021 at 11am PDT| Brandman University

    Identifying Compatible Co-Founders Using DISC | February 22, 2021 at 12pm PST | CSUF Entrepreneurship Program

    Your Personal Brand @ Work: Leveraging the Power of Relationships & Influence to Accelerate Career Success | February 21, 2021 at 10am PST | SDSU Leadership Summit Conference

    “Are You Developing Your High Potentials Fast Enough?” | October 6, 2020 – Webinar | Association for Talent Development (ATD) – San Diego

    Creating a Coaching Culture: Strategies Used by Exemplary Organizations | October 15, 2020 – Culver City, CA | Association for Talent Development (ATD) – Los Angeles

    Career Coffee Chat | October 16, 2020 – Digital Event | Association for Talent Development (ATD) – San Diego

    Your Personal Brand @Work: Leveraging the Power of Relationships & Influence to Accelerate Your Career Success | August 13, 2020 – Webinar | Project Management Institute (PMI) – Orange County

    Are You Developing Your High Potentials Fast Enough? | June 26, 2020 – Career Development Breakfast | Project Management Institute – San Diego

    Ahead of the Curve: A New Take on Talent Development Careers | April 14, 2020 – Online Webinar | Association for Talent Development (ATD) – Orange County

    Creating a Coaching Culture for Nonprofits | January 23rd and 24th – San Diego, CA | 16th Annual Nonprofit Governance Symposium at University of San Diego

    Grow Your Network and Explore Career Development | November 14, 2019 – Costa Mesa, CA | Association for Talent Development (ATD) – Orange County

    High Five Career Coaching

    Support your organization with leadership, team, and enterprise-wide coaching, training, and consulting.

    Illuminate and achieve your goals with personalized, supportive career coaching.