A Coach’s Promise

Mike Gellman

Being stuck in an unparalleled bind
Enduring whirlpools of helplessness
Settling down
Help and hope are within reach

A coach is a friend and confidante
Challenging and caring
Rooting for our success
In whichever way we define

Designing a new path
Courage is wrestling with limitations
Real or imagined
Making choices supported with leaps of faith

Provoking thought and internal digestion
Of both perilous and promising scenarios
Brings a sense of rigor and confidence
In pursuing a path of righteousness

Honest extension and expression of capacity
Learning to let go of trips and traps
Forgiving and gently releasing
Well-worn cloaks of comfort

A coach helps us stay true to ourselves
When vision becomes blurred
By transitional trash
Obstructing our view of the destination ahead

Self-assurance is a magnificent gift
Possible failure or disappointment
Is not the end of re-creation
Fear is

Tradeoffs percolate the mind
Assistance received versus payments owed
What are we worth to ourselves?
Moving forward with purpose and direction now

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